Long Post. Take your time reading (:
YOO peeps! ((: Today was TEACHER'S DAY! and ACER DAY too!! ;DD and my SISTER B'DAE! Wootss! Day of celebration ^^ Had class party, organized by us and not the teacher. Jaclyn ordered 6 extra large PIZZAS! YUMMY!
She paid abt $113 in all! WHOAA!! So, those who wanna eat pizza had to pay $2.50 each TT Syabil, Yong Lin and I played drinking test. The game goes like this, each of us have a cup and contained an amount of Pepsi. So we played 'Scissors Paper Stone' and the one that lose have to drink up. And it goes on and on until someone give up. None of us gave up despite being SUPERRR bloated with drinks. In the end, we went out of drinks instead ;PPP
Had school concert in the hall. OMG and one band spoiled one of my favourite song )): LOL! They sang 'Check Yes Juliet' really terribly. No offence to the band, but it was really mess up x(( The singer had no singing voice, i mean his voice is so hoarse and low when the song is smooth and quite high. Haii ... Mr Nicholes one may be different tuning then the actual song when he sang 'Stop and Stare', but he sang with his own vocals and NAILED it (((: ;DDD
After school, me and Yong Lin fight in class. As in play play and serious one. We fight until bruises everywhere! We fight for fun (((: Haashaha laugh like mad ^^ Went straight home and to computer after that ((((((((((((((:
Last week
Went roller blading again last Sunday, with Fang Rui and Yun Tong. I must say, it was one of the best trip I've went. IT was so so so FUNNN! Sadly Yong Lin missed it all as he was angry with us and decided not to come ):
We first went to the car park at Marine Drive, HDB, there. The slope there dam steep, so I had difficulty going up. But when we go down, SWEET! DAMMM FASt!! Shoikk ah!!! (((: Played catching in the car park, with Fang Rui as the catcher.
Hahahah so much tension la! Cuz fang Rui blade DAM fast one. I was like ' YUN TONG PULL ME! QUICK!!!! AHHHH!!' ( Yun Tong was on a bicycle btw ) x)))
Went to the play ground just outside the National Library there. Played Blind Mice. FunfunFUN! I climbed all the way to the top of the playground. SUper high! No one can catch me((: hehe ;)
Library was next. Intended to enjoy the air-con inside, but I suddenly wanted to borrow a book called 'a child called IT'. Waaaah! But cannot find )): So we 3 just sat at the children's section there and talk ((:
OH YA! and Yun Tong was freaking funny la! He become DAM spastic and retarded. he was like smelling Fang Rui's armpit and say,' Niceeee!' LOL Then I dunno why i suddenly ask Fang Rui this...
Bertrand - Fang Rui - You got brush teeth anot?
Fang Rui - No. NO time la, i only bathed. You rush me sia.
Yun Tong was gaying with Fang Rui at that time. Like lying on his shoulder. Then when he realised Fang Rui nvr brush teeth, he jump out and got on his feet.
Yun Tong - Walao!! No wonder so stinking la! Bertrand, you know the Damental that suck the soul out of you in Harry Potter? I smell Fang Rui's breath can suck the life out of me man!
I was like laughing my ass out. Maybe it won't be funny if you read it, but Yun Tong was really a joke. ;PP
Suddenly rained so heavily, and when it started to stop, we went to play with the puddles on the floor outside. Yun Tong damnnn retarded la! He say he like to fall. So he was like riding then applied brakes and becuz of the water, he fall. He laughed and did it over and over again =.= Mad cow.. (:
Brought Fang Rui home b4 returning to my home(: BUT AH! Suddenly it rained FREAKING HEAVY! So heavy that you cannot see what is ahead of you. And Yun Tong and I was like on the way back home. So we CHOINGGGGG! CHOINGGG ALL THE WAY! Then when i ask Yun Tong to drag me with his bicycle, he made me fell instead. =.= A cut on my elbow ):
Was drenched, but loved it! ((: I so LOVE playing in the rain (:
A long post here,
Bertrand ;DDD
Pictures of Last Sunday's Blading ((: Enjoy!

Smelling Armpit =.=

Gaying ;PP JK

Blades (:

Korean boy ((:

Fierce couple ;PP

Where Yun Tong Fall again and again ...
P.S - They are not real GAYS ah x))))