Roller Blading ; AGAIN
Went roller blading last Sunday with Fang Rui and Yong Lin. Yun Tong actually can come but he did not know the time so in the end went without him ))): Met at my house b4 heading straight to East Coast! ((:
Blade to Bedok Jetty and continue further from there. Rested at a dunno what is it called place and slack there for 15 over mins ;DDD Yong Lin's roller blade wheel kept chipping off. Bit by bit. He was like so frustrated larhh, kept saying, "Stupid blade, stupid blade!"
Hahah when decided to head back, I was ramped AGAIN. This time by Fang Rui. Wahhh and he was coming down a slope at top speed. Elbow scratched and bleed.. On the way back, Yong Lin trip over Fang Rui's blade when going at fast speed. Knee guard saved him BUT, once AGAIN, his pants tore =.='' Fang Rui became damn guilty as he felt that he cuz the both of us those injury. He was like sorry all they way and said he was jinxed so he stayed 1m away from us x)) HAHahah (:
Decided to go to Fang Rui's house and on the way, Yong Lin could not take his blade anymore. It was giving him a lot of trouble. So he changed into his slippers and off we go! ((:
Ate lunch at Fang Rui's house then played Xbox 360 > soccer and Halo 3 x))) Was raining really heavy and I choing back home after the rain had stop. Almost fell, very slippery x)))\
Here are some pics I took. ENJOY ((:

Place we rested (((:

Yong Lin's blade's inner part of the wheel chipping off

The parts that chipped off ><

One Hi-Chew, another Eclipse Mints (:

TOO tired ... !!

Y.Lin Pants Tore AGAIN .. =.=

My elbow bleeding! TT

LOL YongLin looks weird ><''

Taking off blades, he couldn't stand the wheels anymore ;PP

What's with that stern face? xP
Bertrand ;DD
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