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Saturday, August 23, 2008


Had NCDCC yesterday. Did first-aid theory test for badge (((: It was really easyyy! ;D Probably paid a lot of attention when Ms Foong ( MDM ) is briefing us. And the pictures she show on the slide are damnnnn disgusting! LOL got amputation, burnts, fracture etc etc.

After NCDCC saw Yong Lin and You Kai eating sweets. Tempted me! So dig into my bag and reach out a sweet I got weeks ago. And guess what. IT WAS A TRICK SWEET! Once i plop it in my mouth, 3 seconds later, I spit it out. Its as hot as chilly padi larhh!!! WAHHH my tongue was burninggg!!! choing to water cooler ><''

The wrappers shows : I Love S'pore

Yong Lin was like : Don't exaggerate la.

So he pick the sweet up on the floor and plop it into his mouth. And true enuff, his expression change within seconds, spit it out and CHOING TO THE WATTER COOLER! You Kai then took the spit sweet and tried. Same thing happend ;PP

Grrr gonna get Titus for this. He gave it to me.

Hahahah !!! (((: I wan some more trick sweet x)) I would loveee to see their expression x))))

Hope give all of us our reason for trying . (((:

Bertrand ;D


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