"Twiss !"
Okay so i celebrated my Christmas with my cousin and some relatives.
Went to cousin's 2nd house, umm its called Metropolitan, something like that.
A new condo, yeah, plain but nice :D
So decided that all the kids stay over night there!
Umm yeah 2 cousin, sisters and I.
Know whats cool?!
We get the whole house to ourselves! Woooo!
No adults, only kids! Yeah!
But that is after when everyone left.
Umm before that, everyone was watching some past holiday videos.
One i rmb, was abt 4years back, when cousin and my family went to America.
Worse thing was, everyone was laughing at my unbreaked voice!
Imitating my tone! Waaaahhh... =/
Oh and went swimming too. hah.
So at night when everyone left, 2 slept first.
While 3 of us took pictures with mac.
Was so cold that it felt like air-con-ed but not.
Soon i felt sleepy, lie on the sofa and fell asleep.
Woke up found myself alone in the dark living room :S
Of course in the end i went to the room and slept on the bed. Which i thought Ryan was on it. But realised it was my sister. But still, slept in the end. (:
Next day ate breakfast, watch some dvd, swim again, then go home!
Ate bird rice for dinner ~
Thats how i spent my Christmas! :D
No exchange of present though.
At least there was a party unlike last year.
Yeah! (:

Ryan - Tesshire - Bertrand
2 were sleeping, we were dead bored, yes.

BracesFTW !

Some distortion thingy.
Post some more other time!
Lazy liao. Bye :D
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