Got away for the newspaper articles x)
Didnt do ALL 4! ><
Was rushing with 3 ERP last night and caused me to sleep at midnight :x Kinda tired now but gotta finish my newspaper crap first. . .
HAII... !
Oh! My form teacher changed all of our seating arrangements.
Almost everyone had to seat with the opposite gender.
So I was made to seat with Nicole -.- REALLY didnt liked it so I made MUCH NOISE!
and was re-arranged. But this time it was QingYee !
Felt really uneasy seating beside her. So i purposely irritate her until she complain to change her own place.
Then Sharifah was next to seat beside me but somehow, idk why, Marilyn became the one.
I wasnt still quite satisfied, so i asked teacher to let me switch with Gwendolyn so that i can seat with Syabil. And it was an immediate NO!
Gave up in the end. Besides, im rather fortunate at my current seating place now.
Fang Rui's infront of me and YunTong's is behind me. So what more could i ask? :D
Poor YongLin seat so far from us.
And You Kai, with Kimberly.
All the new teachers were not too bad, infact some were great!
But it would be an overstatement for just one teacher...
she is none other then my maths teacher, Mdm teo !
She's not only slow, but her teaching method is real hard to understand.
Oh not to forget, she got DEMENTIA!
Not just stm. BUT DEMENTIA !!!!
Heres one .
She asked Kimberly to exchange places with YunTong.
Marilyn later wanted to change with Kimberly so she asked Kim to tell lie to Mdm Teo.
Kimberly - "Mdm Teo, I cant see very clearly, and Marilyn is blocking me."
And guess what Mdm Teo said.
" then why sit there in the 1st place throughtout the whole day?! "
My first reaction was, huh? Did I like hear wrgly?
and then when I got it clear that it was her memory issue, I started laughing. ><
Is she getting on in years .. ?
Oh ya, not to forget.
Theres a new student in our class name Felicia who is appointed as vice-chairman and is really good in mathematics.
DARN! I realised that im now slower in my Maths too.
Could it be the teacher or just me... =/
I'll better have to buck up

Back to Aussie (:

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