25th October
Bought my PSP, finally!! (((: Its Deep RED =]
Got it from Sim Lim Square, which is known for SCAMMERS!!!! And I almost fell for one =/ pheww...
Didnt know how to put games in so didn't really touch the PSP. T.T admireee.. .. ~
26th October
Managed to put at least one game into the memory card. It took me really reallyyyy longgggg...
But I was extremely happy(((: Finally able to play a game with my PSP . xDDDDD
Went to fren house to transfer DJMAX to my PSP and started playing the whole night (: Kinda addictive =/
27th October
Followed my mum to the toy shop just to accompany her. Played PSP for almost the whole of my time there. hmm, 6hrs maybe? x) Ben 10 / DJMAX <-- FUN
Really dissapointed now.. .. ? I cannot not go for the Peer Ldr Camp! WAHHHHHH..!! Going for holiday on th 25th of Nov and camp is on 27th ;[ whyyyyy.. whyy must it clash... !!
I damn wanna go for the camp... infact i've been looking foward to this particular camp!!
The number of people in the camp wont be at such big quantity and I sooooo LOVE camp! Would be able to get to see my frens again and being with people i always wanted to be with .
and now..
gonee... ;[
Haii, oh wells , hopefully can still be peer ldr .
Will just go for the briefing to find out .
Now I'm M A D ! like an lion woken up from his sleep =//
roarrr .. !! ~

Its an opportunity I couldn't help but turn down ...
accept it .
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